We Stand in Solidarity with the Asian-American Community #StopAsianHate

A Message from our Executive Director, Rich Stolz When I first heard about the mass shooting in Atlanta, I couldn’t help but wonder why the pandemic hadn’t slowed the ongoing epidemic of gun violence in America. And then I learned about the victims.  Eight killed altogether, six of them Asian women, all of them in […]

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Reducing Brain Waste: Creating Career Pathways for Foreign Educated Immigrants in Washington State

Many immigrants come to the US with advanced degrees and credentials, but because of outdated laws and policies, we’re unable to utilize them. Many end up in low wage jobs although we are trained as doctors, teachers, lawyers and nurses. This term has been coined ‘brain waste’ and OneAmerica has been working with our partners […]

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Know Your Rights

Before we can stand up for our rights, before we can organize for a strong democracy and a just society, we need to know our rights. Universal human rights are for all of us – regardless of nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other status. The U.S. […]

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